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The parental perspective – having children in relief housing

Anne Kristine Risvand Myrseth i Carry Together his project group in Løvemammaene was lucky enough to be invited to hold a lecture for all employees at the respite housing in Tønsberg municipality this Thursday. The topic of the lecture was the parent's perspective in having children in respite care, and about thoughts and experiences from the parent's perspective. 

Anne Kristine told a little about life with her son, who died at home in Lommedalen before he turned 13. How the body was affected, both physically and mentally, by the great extra care and extra strain that lasted over many years. In the lecture, she focused on how important it is to be met with mutual trust and empathetic communication, as well as the importance of this being something that is actively worked on. Once trust is broken, it is very difficult to rebuild it. 

Anne Kristine shared good and less good experiences from having children in relief housing, and about the importance of handling deviations in a safe and trusting manner. 

At the start and at the end of the lecture, a big thank you was given to the employees in the relief system, for the incredibly important work they do, and what a difference they make to many families. 

A large group had gathered at Villa Møllebakken in the center of Tønsberg. They gave good feedback on the lecture, which had both touched them and given them something to think about. 

Carry together thanks for letting us come.  
