The fight for children's rights
Løvemammaene is a diagnosis-independent organization that works to inform about and improve the rights of children and young people with illness and functional variation. We are passionate about support, freedom and equality for the whole family.
You may be entitled to various allowances and assistance schemes for supervision, nursing and care for children and young people with illness and/or functional variation.
The help service
It is tough to stand alone in the application and appeal processes. We can guide and help in dealing with the system and how to write a good application.
Our work
Read more about our work for children and young people with illness and functional variation, as well as their families. We work both organisationally, politically and with direct help and support to members.
Support us
Løvemammaene is a voluntary, interest-based political organization that works to inform about and improve the rights of children and young people with illness and functional variation. It is estimated that at any given time there are around 8,000 children in Norway who have a life-limiting or life-threatening illness.
Together we are stronger
- Assistance with applications and complaints, as well as guidance and advice from the Løvemammaenes help service
- Follow-up and support from Bære Sammen, our child palliation project
- Help your child through our kindergarten and school project "Da klokka klang!"
- Support and help through our young adult project "Adult - what now?"
- Join digital themed evenings about rights and other useful information, only for members
- Access to our closed intranet and app, for members only
- Priority for all inquiries to us
- Access to our closed groups on Facebook
- Join local parent and family get-togethers, and other pleasant activities organized by our regional teams
- Make new friendships, and reap tips and experiences
- Give us weight and power in our struggles
- Contribute financially to our organizational work
- Opportunity to become one of our resource persons
- Digital membership magazine
Thanks to our Lion friends
Thanks to our supporters!
The Directorate of Health
Through the grant scheme "Knowledge and information on palliative treatment and care at the end of life for children and young people", the Norwegian Directorate of Health has financed Bære Sammen with NOK 3.4 million since 2021. Bære Sammen is Løvemammaene's child palliation project. Because no one should have to carry their seriously ill child alone.
Foundation Dam
Stiftelsen Dam has supported the Løvemammaenes help service with almost NOK 2 million over a 3-year period in 2022-2024, and has thereby helped us to ensure the continued operation of one of our most important projects aimed at our members.
Since 2023, Løvemammaene has received operating subsidies from the Directorate of Children, Youth and Families (Bufdir) through the subsidy scheme "Subsidy for the disabled".
Health West
Helse Vest has supported the Løvemammaene's information work and dissemination of knowledge since 2021.
Health South-East
Helse Sør-East has supported Løvemammaene's information work and dissemination of knowledge since 2021.
Health Central Norway
Helse Midt-Norge has supported Løvemammaene's information work and dissemination of knowledge since 2022.
Health North
Helse Nord has supported the Løvemammaene's information work and dissemination of knowledge since 2022.
DNB Savings Bank Foundation
DNB Sparebankstiftelsen has supported us with half a million kroner for the Lion Park at Rikshospitalet in 2023-2024.
The Kavli Fund
Kavli supported the Lion Mothers' aid service with NOK 500,000 in 2022, and NOK 400,000 in 2023. Kavli was an important contributor in the start-up phase to ensure the operation of one of our most important projects aimed at our members.
Sophie's Memory
The Sophies Minde foundation supported the Løvemammaene's help service with NOK 100,000 in 2022 in connection with the start of the project.