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The help service

The lion mothers' help service

Løvemammaene's help service is a pilot project operated with, among others, grant from Stiftelsen DAM, and is approved as a legal aid activity by The Supervisory Board for Advocacy in Norway.
A unique offer for main members of Løvemammaene. 

Get help in a demanding everyday life

Løvemammaene's help service supports, guides and helps member families in meeting with the aid apparatus, both through mapping of rights, applications, complaints, assistance in meetings with agencies, etc. Everyone who works in the help service has personal experience of having a child who needs help, while at the same time having relevant professional expertise. The advisers in the help service know a lot about rights and legislation, and they follow up over time to achieve the goal of an everyday life with a good quality of life for you. 

We know it is tough to stand in the battles against the system and how difficult it is to find your way through the jungle of rights. Getting the help and services you are entitled to is not a matter of course, and for many it unfortunately becomes a struggle. Many people feel alone, but you are not anymore.

For children with a very serious illness and/or expected shortened lifespan, we have a separate team called Bære Sammen, which follows up in the time before and after death with offers such as guidance, follow-up, emotional support and bereavement support for both parents, siblings and the surrounding apparatus the child. Because no one should have to carry their seriously ill child alone.

As a general rule, the offer in the help service applies to main members with children and young people between the ages of 0-18, but we also have an offer for families with young adults between the ages of 18-23 whose parents are guardians of, or have consent from, the adult child.

You must have a main membership in Løvemammaene to use the help service, i.e. membership for NOK 400. per year.

How to use the registration form

  1. Select "register" in the top right corner.
  2. Fill in contact information.
  3. Enter the code from SMS.
  4. Press "choose a service".
  5. Press "waiting list - request".
  6. Fill in other information (age of children, diagnoses, short description of their situation and what you want help with)
  7. Press "add me to the waiting list". If you cannot press the button to add, it may be that you have written too long a text. Try removing something so that the button turns blue again.

What happens after you register?

You will be contacted as soon as possible, but unfortunately some waiting time must be expected at times. Get in touch if it is very urgent (see e-mail for contact below).

What do you do if you have a short appeal period?

If you want help with a complaint and have a short appeal deadline, you must ask the relevant authority for a postponement! You must send the question about a postponed appeal deadline in writing to the body to which you are going to appeal. Below you can see and copy an example of what you can write to request a postponed appeal deadline:
"The undersigned is asking for a postponed appeal deadline for this decision, as I wish to be assisted by another representative cf. the Administration Act." Please refer to the reference/case number when making the inquiry. If you are refused a deferred appeal deadline, you must notify the help service immediately.

Questions while you wait?

Are you unsure whether you have been registered on the waiting list, have questions about the waiting time, want to inform you about something important (e.g. an important meeting within a short time that you would like us to attend, or if you are not approved in the extended appeal period), then please contact us by email: (you should not use this email if you already have an adviser in the help service).

If you already have an adviser in the help service and are in ongoing contact, you should not use this link.
Contact your advisor directly by email.


Thanks to our supporters

The lion mothers receive support for various projects from foundations, funds and health organisations

The Directorate of Health

The Directorate of Health has supported our children's palliation project Bære sammen, which also assists families in the support service, with NOK 3.4 million since 2021. Because no one should have to carry their seriously ill child alone.

The Kavli Fund

Kavli has supported the Løvemammaenes help service with NOK 500,000 in 2022 and NOK 400,000 in 2023, and helped us to ensure the continued operation of one of our most important projects aimed at our members.

Foundation Dam

Stiftelsen Dam supports the Løvemammaene's aid service with almost NOK 2 million over a 3-year period and has helped us to ensure the continued operation of one of our most important projects aimed at our members.

Contact form the help service

This service requires membership. read more about membership.

