Brev til landets kommuner om transport til avlastning
Løvemammaene har med bakgrunn i svært variabel praksis på landsbasis sendt brev til alle landets kommuner ang. transport til og fra avlastning. Vi erfarer at
Knowledge is power.
We are here for the love.
The Løvemammaene's Snapchat channel was started on 1 February 2018. It quickly became very popular and today has over 95,000 subscribers. In addition to 12-15 permanent "snappers", the channel has a number of guests. There is a long waiting list to become a guest. Social media is one of our most important tools for spreading awareness about our issues, sharing information with our members, and is a central channel for getting in touch with us. Løvemammaene's Snapchat channel can therefore also be found on Facebook and Instagram.
The person who is logged into the snap responds to 200-500 messages during a snap day, depending on the topic and engagement. Most relevant anniversaries within disease and functional variation are marked on our channel, either by the regular snappers or by guest snappers with their own experience of what is being marked, such as e.g. "Rarity Day", "World Autism Day" or "International Sign Language Day".
The channel has five administrators who are responsible for the implementation for one week at a time. The channel has its own rules with guidelines for both regulars and guests, including our ethical responsibility, what we can and cannot share, and confidentiality towards ourselves and the followers. In between we have competitions with great prizes, and every December we have a slightly different Christmas calendar with hatches that are relevant to our target group. The Snapchat channel is alive and constantly changing. Themes change from day to day and give a completely unique insight into the everyday life of families with children and young people with illness and functional variation, for better or for worse.
Openness gives knowledge and knowledge is power! We believe that through openness we can contribute to an increased understanding of what it is like to live with a chronic illness and various functional variations. We believe that increased understanding contributes to making harmless and "normalizing" what for many is experienced as different and foreign, and that we can thereby break down prejudices and reduce bullying, which unfortunately is often a consequence of a lack of knowledge and understanding. We believe that openness and dissemination of knowledge is the key to a more inclusive society, where people with illnesses and functional variations are not seen as someone who needs to be "fixed", but rather a completely natural part of the diversity in our society. We are here for the love!
Here you can read more about our members on Snapchat, both regular snappers and regular guests. Many of us are also involved in the organization's boards and care. Would you like to visit us? Then you can read about how in the post below here.
Løvemammaene har med bakgrunn i svært variabel praksis på landsbasis sendt brev til alle landets kommuner ang. transport til og fra avlastning. Vi erfarer at
Forrige uke var representanter fra Løvemammaene, Eline Grelland Røkholt og Bettina Lindgren, på en aldri så liten rundtur på Helgeland. Tross storm og skikkelig holkeføre,
The lion mothers cheer for research and new knowledge. We cheer on projects that are aimed at making the lives of lion children and their families in
Løvemammaene Midt og Skjeggnissene skaper julemagi. I år som i fjor har Løvemammaene Midt handlet inn og delt ut gaver til barn på sykehus i
Løvemammaene Nord har skrevet takkebrev til alle som bidro til spleisen for å glede barn som må tilbringe deler av eller hele jula på sykehus.
Mandag 11.november var Tonje Merete Avløs (nestleder LM Midt) sammen med Silje Louise Holum og Tuva Nordal Hegdal (styremedlemmer LM Midt) på shopping med Ove
I oktober og november har nyfødtintensivavdelingen på Drammen sykehus hatt fagdager for personalgruppen sin. Mange løvebarn starter livet sitt på nettopp en slik avdeling. Løvemammaene
Today, the chairwoman of Løvemammaene, Bettina Lindgren, attended an oral hearing in the justice committee regarding the state budget 2025. There she spoke primarily about lion families'
Yesterday, central board member Hanne Svensrud attended an oral hearing at the transport and communications committee regarding the state budget 2025. In his oral presentation, Hanne focused on telling
Today, the deputy leader of Løvemammaene, Elin Gunnarsson, participated in an oral hearing in the municipal and administrative committee regarding the state budget 2025. Elin spoke about the consequences of poor municipal finances and
Today, board member of Løvemammaene, Guri Wevelstad participated in an oral hearing in the family and culture committee regarding the State Budget 2025. Guri spoke about the importance of ensuring
Today, the chairman of Løvemammaene, Bettina Lindgren, participated in an oral hearing in the work and social committee regarding the state budget 2025. There she spoke primarily
This week there was a seminar for the department of medical genetics at Haukeland University Hospital where around 100 employees participated. Here the Løvemammaene were invited to hold
The Løvemammaene discovered earlier in 2024 that changes had been made to the circular on basic and auxiliary benefits. Some changes have clearly been necessary and more
Today, central board member of Løvemammaene, Marlene Ramberg, participated in an oral hearing in the health and care committee regarding the state budget 2025. There she argued, among other things, for
Løvemammaene Midt have been lucky enough to be allowed to be the user organization of the month in September, and have been given a nice stand just within
Karoline S. Hansen, chairman of Løvemammaene Nord, has given a lecture at UNN Tromsø, at the neonatal intensive care unit in connection with their annual event "Tromsøkurset". During the Tromsø course was
Karoline, chairman of Løvemammaene Nord and resource person for the central board in universal design, has given a lecture on universal design. Earlier this year, she held the same
Løvemammaene has a good collaboration with NITO BFI (bioengineering institute) and has contributed with lectures at several of their professional days for bioengineers around
Løvemammaene has a good collaboration with NITO BFI (bioengineering institute) and has contributed with lectures at several of their professional days for bioengineers around
Tonje Merete Avløs, deputy chair and Silje Louise Holum, deputy member of Løvemammaene Midt showed up to be with our members at the open day in
The lion mothers were invited to give a lecture about what it's like to have a sick child and forced use of children in the health care system for bioengineering students at
Tonje Merete Avløs, deputy chairperson and Tuva Nordal Hegdal, board member of Løvemammaene Midt organized an open day in Rypetoppen Adventurepark for their members in Løvemammaene Midt in July.
Behind the podcast "Mann i krise" is a committed man named Kim André Sagen. He became a lion father himself a little over a year ago
One of the last trips for Bære Sammen before the summer went to Stange municipality in Innlandet and to Åkershagan training and activity centre. This was one
This week Løvemammaene Nord received an e-mail from Nordreisa municipality informing that they have removed the lower age limit on companion certificates, at our request - as well as
The lion mothers receive daily inquiries from desperate parents of children with supervision and care needs who find that applying for care money becomes very difficult due to a lack of
On Saturday 29 June, the Løvemammaene East organized Family Day in Foldvik Family Park in Larvik. The family day was originally supposed to take place the week before, but Foldvik recommended that we postpone it because of this
On Saturday 22 June, Løvemammaene East organized a family day at Tusenfryd in Ås Municipality. Thanks to funds from Bufdir, we were able to offer 100 tickets to our members,
On Saturday 22 June, Løvemammaene East organized Family Day at Barnas Gård at Hunderfossen. Thanks to funds from Bufdir, we were able to offer 50 tickets, including lunch, to
Researcher Ingrid Johnsen Hogstad (Molde University College) and Bære Sammen's project manager Eline Grelland Røkholt have written this scientific article about small children and grief.
Løvemammaene has sent written consultation input to the Ministry of Culture and Equality regarding the incorporation of the CRPD into Norwegian law. You can read the full consultation input below. The lion mothers are one
The Løvemammaen were invited to Sortland in Vesterålen to talk about the relatives' perspective, siblings and children's palliative care. It was our chairman Bettina who gave a lecture for social workers,
Bære Sammen was in a meeting with the research network CHIP to discuss research on child palliation. CHIP (Children In Palliative Care) is an interdisciplinary research network based at
Bære sammen has been in a dialogue meeting with nurses from the palliative care team for children and young people (PALBU) at Drammen hospital. From Bære brought together project manager Eline
Bringing together its project manager Eline Grelland Røkholt was invited to Karmøy municipality to talk about bereavement and bereavement support for kindergarten children and their families. On
This week, follow-up through Bære Sammen brought us to beautiful surroundings in Sandnessjøen. From the help service, Nina Bakkefjord and Eline Grelland Røkholt have had busy days
Løvemammaene Midt invited parents to a gathering in Ålesund and Molde, in collaboration with the central board of Løvemammaene. Helene Steigedal (chairman of LM Midt), Tonje Avløs (deputy chairperson of
In a series of very pleasant lectures and visits to various student campuses, it was the turn of the line association FRESK at NTNU Campus Gjøvik. The campus has several health professionals
Løvemammaene Nord, led by Karoline Storelv Hansen, has written consultation input for Tromsø municipality's consultation regarding the prevention of neglect and behavioral difficulties. The plan Tromsø municipality has
Bærum Hospital invited the Løvemammaen to give a lecture on coercive use against children at a professional evening for employees at the Department of Medical Biochemistry at Bærum Hospital. The
Today Løvemammaene Nord received a letter from Hadsel municipality thanking them for our regional team making them aware that they were still operating with
Over several years, Løvemammaene has had a good collaboration with the NITO Institute of Bioengineering, a collaboration we greatly appreciate. On the International Bioengineering Day 15.
Rania Al-Nahi from Løvemammaene's help service was at Nordlandssykehuset in Bodø and gave a presentation during the first day of the course "Quality of life in serious illness palliation". Her post acted
Through grant funding from both Helse Nord and the Norwegian Directorate of Health, Løvemammaene and Bære Sammen have had the opportunity to travel to Bodø to convey the relatives' perspective in
Løvemammaene has submitted consultation input to the Ministry of Health and Care for proposals for changes to the patient travel regulations. Read the input in its entirety below. The lion mothers are a diagnosis-independent organisation
Our regional team Løvemammaene Nord, which covers Finnmark, Troms and Nordland, has submitted a written consultation response to the health and care committee in the Storting regarding the proposal for the downsizing of
On Tuesday this week, project manager in Bære Sammen, Eline Grelland Røkholt, and board chairwoman Bettina Lindgren were on two different assignments in Bodø. Bettina held a 2
On 15 March 2024, the Løvemammaene sent a new letter to the Clinic for Addiction and Psychiatry at Sørlandet Hospital regarding a specialist certificate when applying for nursing allowance. Read the letter below.
Bære sammen, represented by Nina Bakkefjord, Anne Kristine Risvand Myrseth and Nina Herigstad, has met with Tonje Hov Grønli. She is the project manager for
Rania Al-Nahi from Løvemammaene's help service taught interdisciplinary further education in child palliation at OsloMet. The subject of the teaching was religious and cultural sensitivity in dealing with minority families. Rania
Bære sammen, represented by Nina Bakkefjord, Anne Kristine Risvand Myrseth and Nina Herigstad, has met with Tonje Hov Grønli. She is the project manager for
For the third year in a row, Løvemammaene was invited to give a lecture at Interdisciplinary further education in rehabilitation, interaction and management. Bente Berg started from
Today, the resource person for leisure and culture in Løvemammaene, Camilla Berg Rindahl, met with Polyfon. Kristianne Ervik (experienced consultant) and Brynjulf participated from Polyfon
Løvemammaene was again invited to give a lecture to students on the master's degree in children's nursing at OsloMet. This is an important contribution to education and
The lion mothers have sent letters to the Conservative Party, the Progressive Party, the Liberal Party, the Red Party, the Green Party, the Christian People's Party and Patient Focus to explain why the representative proposal from the Socialist Left Party
The lion mothers have submitted consultation input to Polyfon's strategy. Read the full consultation input below. INPUT TO POLYFONS STRATEGY 2024-2030 Who are we: Løvemammaene is a diagnosis-independent organization
The Løvemammaene have submitted input to the Ministry of Health and Care for a consultation on tenders for national insurance-funded pharmaceuticals. Read the full entry below. Consultation input - Tenders for national insurance-funded projects
This week the Løvemammaene were invited to give a lecture for students in social work associated with Nord University in Levanger and Bodø. First up was Levanger
Hurray!!! With jubilant joy, and again great awe, this Thursday we received the news from the Norwegian Directorate of Health that Bære Sammen, which is the children's palliation project for the Løvemammaene, is receiving a
Deputy member of the central board, Nina Herigstad, has given two lectures for students on behalf of the Løvemammaene. The first was a physical lecture for nursing students at UIS,
Through good cooperation and dialogue with educational institutions in the Oslo area, NSF Student and Løvemammaene have planned and developed a separate professional day about children for nursing students. This
When children's palliative care's goal of as good a life as possible is to be replaced by the goal of as good a death as possible. How do we set
The Løvemammaen have submitted written consultation input to the representative's proposal for a more generous care allowance scheme. SV has put forward the following proposal: Below you can read the input in its entirety.
The mother lions have submitted input for the government's work with a new notification of priorities. Read the input in its entirety below. Consultation input to the government's work with the new priority notice Løvemammaene
This Wednesday, the Løvemammaen met with NITO, the Norwegian Children's Association and the Children's Nurses Association regarding coercive use of children in connection with blood sampling and medical procedures that are carried out
On Tuesday, project manager for Bære sammen Eline Grelland Røkholt was invited to give a lecture at Madlamark School in Stavanger. The lecture was about follow-up of children
The Løvemammaene have written input for the NOU "In high time - Realization of disabled people's rights". Read the full consultation input below. Consultation input to NOU 2023:13 High time - Realization of
Finally, a clear information letter from the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority regarding the absolute right to absence from work when you have a sick child and clarification regarding absence while
Today, the expert committee handed over its report on the incorporation of the CRPD into Norwegian law, commissioned by the government. The expert committee has consisted of Supreme Court judge Hilde Indreberg, professor
Today, the Løvemammaene were invited to give a lecture to students at the maternity and childcare education at the Vocational School in Agder. It was a desire to
Today we established a new regional team in Southern Norway called Løvemammaene Sør. The regional team is responsible for Agder county. A founding meeting was held at Thon
Anyone who gives NOK 500 or more to Løvemammaene during a year can get a tax deduction. Tax deduction for gifts We report all contributions
Our regional team Løvemammaene Nord has submitted consultation input to Bodø municipality's draft change in school structure. Among other things, they are very concerned about the proposal to
The lion mothers were today invited to hold a lecture for pharmacy students at the University of Oslo. Pharmacy is about the production of medicines and how they work,
Our regional team Løvemammaene Vest has today sent out two letters to the county municipalities of Vestland and Rogaland. The letters contain requests to remove the age limit for TT cards
Before Christmas last year, the National Health Inspectorate published five new reports following inspections of respite care homes. This is part of the nationwide inspection the Norwegian Health Authority has had
In December, central board member Lene Nilsen was in a meeting with the National Competence Network for medicines for children. The network works to ensure that drug treatment for children is appropriate
Camilla Berg Rindahl, who is one of Løvemammaene's resource persons, has written input to the Ministry of Culture for an action plan for participation in cultural, sports and outdoor activities. Read the input
We are very busy and reinforcements are needed on the adviser side. Løvemammaene's help service will increase its team in 2024 and is therefore advertising vacancies at
The lion mothers were invited to participate in the hearing concerning the establishment of a consent-based follow-up register for newborns admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit with a known risk of later
On 14 December this year, our central board member Marianne Lium went to Levanger. There she gave a lecture for those attending the maternity and childcare training at Trøndelag
Løvemammaene Vest received an inquiry from the BPA company Ecura some time ago. They wanted to get in touch with us and would like to get to know each other
Løvemammaene has submitted a consultation response to the Storting regarding the need for bereavement leave for parents who have lost a child. It is Løvemammaene's child palliation project Bære sammen that has
Following tips from several of our members in several regions, the Løvemammaene have recently been working with companion tickets to the cinema. Most cinemas do not offer
On two Tuesdays, the Løvemammaene have participated in professional days at Nordlandssykehuset in Bodø. The participants have been health personnel associated with the children's ward and the neonatal intensive care unit, and the order has been
Today the Løvemammaene were invited to hold a lecture on the relatives' perspective and the meeting with the support system for employees at the SAMBA competence center and relief unit in Skien. SAMBA
On Thursday 9 November, Beate Søraunet from our Bære sammen project participated in a professional meeting within human genetics in Oslo. Here, among other things, there was talk about newborn screening,
On Thursday this week, project manager for Bære sammen, Eline Grelland Røkholt, was invited by the Council for People with Disabilities in Hole municipality to hold a
This Monday, the Løvemammaene organized a parents' gathering in Svolvær in Lofoten. Our project with parents' meetings is an offer we are working to get out across the country,
The Løvemammaene were invited to hold a two-hour lecture for managers and employees in the district administration in the Ullern district in Oslo. Bente Berg, who is a
Our regional teams need new, pleasant and committed members on their boards. This therefore applies to members throughout the country. The aim of our regional teams is, among other things
Today, the Løvemammaen were in two cooperation meetings in the capital; first with NSF Student and then with the Norwegian Cancer Society. It was NSF Student, the Norwegian Nurses Association's student organisation, which
Today it became clear that there will no longer be any age limit for companion certificates in Søndre land - hooray! This is good news for
Following tips from several of our members in several regions, the Løvemammaene have recently been working with companion tickets to the cinema. Most cinemas do not offer
Anne Kristine Risvand Myrseth in Bære Sammen's project group in Løvemammaene was lucky enough to be invited to give a lecture to all employees at
On Wednesday this week, the Development Center for nursing homes and home services Innlandet held a professional day for health personnel in the municipal health service across several municipalities. Bringing together their project manager, Eline Grelland
The Løvemammaene's main organization will hold an annual meeting in March/April 2024. There, new members will be elected to the Løvemammaene's central board. It is voluntary work to engage with
Our regional team Løvemammaene Vest received news some time ago that Hardangerbadet does not accept companion certificates. Løvemammaene Vest would do something about this. The regional board
The lion mothers were invited to a meeting with representatives Kathrine Lauvrak and Kristian Selnes from Boots HomeCare to hear more about their offer and potential collaboration.
Bære Sammen i Løvemammaene was lucky enough to be invited to hold a lecture for employees who work with children and young people at Austjord treatment center/respite care home.
The lion mothers were invited to an input meeting at the Storting. It was Erlend Svardal Bøe (H) who initiated the meeting and today's BPA arrangement was on the agenda.
Over time, the Løvemammaen have worked hard to get the lower age limit for companion certificates removed in all the country's municipalities. It has produced results. Our regional teams have
The lion mothers were invited by the newly formed children's team in the NAV aid center (HMS) Nordland to hear about their work and to look at any opportunities
This week Løvemammaene Midt was able to invite parents to a gathering at Orkanger in Sør-Trøndelag, in collaboration with the central board of Løvemammaene. We could do this because EC Dahls
Today, the Lion Mothers participated in an input meeting with the government in the Ministry of Culture and Equality in connection with the work on an action plan for participation in culture, sports and
After the Løvemammaene have sent letters of request and reminders to Lørenskog municipality, they have finally removed the age limit! This summer, our regional team Løvemammaene Sør-East finally received a reply letter
There was a full house and a good atmosphere at Deichman Røa in Oslo on 1 November, when mother lion Bente Berg presented her book "Hva er det
The Løvemammaen have submitted written consultation input for proposals in the Storting on changes to the Legal Aid Act, where they propose a new model of financial needs testing in order to get
The Løvemammaen were invited to give a lecture about siblings as relatives and children who have lost a sibling after a long-term illness at a professional day for employees at
Today the Løvemammaene were in a meeting with representatives from NITO BFI (Institute of Bioengineering). NITO is Norway's largest professional organization for engineers and technologists with bachelor's and master's degrees
The lion mothers were lucky enough to be invited to hold a professional day for employees who work at the Nittedal relief center this week. The wishes for the professional day were both
Yes! Recently, it became clear to our regional team Løvemammaene Sør-East that the request to remove the lower age limit for companion certificates has been heard in the municipalities of Nesodden
The lion mothers have participated in an oral hearing in the Justice Committee at the Storting, as well as late written hearing input, where we have raised complaints rights and the lack of legal certainty to the country's
Today the Løvemammaene gave a presentation on the Starthjelpkurs at Ullevål. Start help courses are aimed at parents who have recently had children (0-6 years) with functional variations or long-term ones
The lion mothers participated today in an oral hearing in the municipal and administrative committee at the Storting. Our input mainly concerned the budget pot for the State Administrators, which is far too low
The Directorate for e-Health invited the Løvemammaen to a written consultation regarding deferred access for residents to the patient's test answers and principles for this. In the work on the Patient's project
"Living with serious illness in the family" was the theme of the lecture, when Bære together by project manager Eline Grelland Røkholt was invited to the organization DEBRA Norway
Today the Løvemammaeneen participated in a professional day on medicines for children under the auspices of the Norwegian Hospital Pharmacists Association, where we had been asked to give a lecture
Elin Gunnarsson, deputy chairman of the central board, invited the chairman of the labor and social affairs committee at the Storting, Freddy André Øvstegård, to a meeting about care allowance. The lionesses see the need to seal
This week professional days were held for healthcare personnel who meet children at the hospital in Vesterålen, Stokmarknes, in connection with Nordlandssykehuset's important project "A child-friendly hospital".
Hip hooray! Today there were happy children, siblings and parents at the children's and youth department at UNN Tromsø! The lion mothers have been to the ward today
Today, the state budget for 2024 was presented by the government. In this post, we will try to give you information about what the state budget will mean