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Again, the Løvemammaene have sent letters to the representatives in the health and care committee, and the municipal and administration committee at the Storting with a request to remove the age limit for companion certificates. This is the third time we have sent a request this year alone. Now we hope the politicians will follow through and make sure to give the families an ever so small Christmas present.

Read the letter we sent in full below.


The lion mothers are asking the Storting to remove the lower age limit for companion certificates.



The self-imposed lower age limit of 8 years historically dates from when the companion certificate scheme was introduced in the 90s. There is no clear documentation as to why this limit was set, but it is assumed to be based on the idea that parents provide care for their children anyway and are therefore not companions. We think this picture corresponds to a small extent with the fact that many children today have support contact, relief arrangements or BPA.


The accompanying certificate also triggers the right to necessary accommodation for children with invisible illness and functional variation, e.g. adapted entrance to leisure parks, own HC changing rooms in water parks/swimming halls etc. There is a big difference between having children who, because their illness or functional variation cannot handle standing in a long queue, than having a child who is "just a bit bored". There can be many different reasons why children benefit greatly from a companion certificate, e.g. children with muscular dystrophies, autistics, developmentally disabled children, children with heart and lung diseases, children with invisible illnesses (ostomies, children's arthritis, diabetes etc.). With an accompanying certificate, the children have the opportunity to make use of the "first in the queue" schemes that many practise, and for some this can be the whole difference as to whether they can participate or not. It is also important to remember the children who do not benefit from regular public playgrounds due to health or functional reasons. Then it is natural to bring smaller children to other cultural features and leisure activities.


We believe that removing the age limit for companion certificates makes the municipality's case processing easier - then the case manager only needs to assess the need. The change will also not have a financial effect for the state or the municipality, but rather trigger great joy and more equality in the families who get an easier everyday life.

When more companions are needed

Children with illness and functional variation often need 2:1, and a few need more. This applies to hospitals, doctors, health trips, leisure activities, social gatherings, cultural events, etc. Removing the current self-imposed age limit will to a greater extent safeguard the individual child's needs and right to an equal life, and at the same time contribute to preventing isolation and ensuring a better quality of life for the children and their families.

Change is needed now!

The municipalities are currently the ones who administer companion certificates. An increasingly large proportion of Norway's municipalities have removed the age limit, but there are still far too many who doubt it - therefore a national change is needed. It is high time that the Storting now arranges for a change to this discriminatory practice. Municipalities that have gone ahead and removed the age limit include Oslo, Trondheim, Bodø, Stavanger, Asker, Arendal, Sandnes, Sola, Tromsø, Karmøy and Grimstad, among others.

We ask you to be aware of your responsibility for inclusion and community participation, and now follow suit. A permanent change is needed in which the age limit for companion certificates is removed once and for all, and not least the companion certificate scheme must be established. It will make the lives of children with illness and functional variation a little easier.

All children are equally valuable, regardless of function and regardless of age!

The lion mothers believe that the companion certificate must include the following to function as best as possible:

  • No age limit
  • Rights-based arrangement
  • Lifelong as long as you have a lifelong need

Dear parliamentarians, this is possible to achieve!
It does not require an investigation and it has no budgetary consequences. On the other hand, it would be the Christmas gift of the ages for the children and families in question.

With best regards
The Central Board of the Lion Mothers           
