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Parents & children have written a fantastic report about our board member and contact person Elin and her son William.

In the article, you get an insight into what the family's life has been like, and Elin tells where she gets her strength from. 

"- I was terrified. At the same time, the mother lion in me awoke. The only thing I could think of was that I should do everything in my power to make William well. I was so afraid of losing him. That he would die from me. Never had I known such a strong love. William showed enormous strength, and fought to be allowed to stay with us, says the mother, moved.

Before William underwent surgery with a button on his stomach and Nissensplastik (narrows the oesophagus), as well as a tracheostomy (breathing tube in the throat), the days were characterized by emergency situations. 

"- William struggled extremely with reflux, and could vomit up to 50 times a day. The disease means that he does not have the strength to cough, nor the strength to bring up either mucus or vomit. We have a suction machine with which we suck up mucus, and when it was at its worst, it could be used hundreds of times in just one day, says Elin.” 

She talks about the choices she has made and how she views life.  

"Elin has made a conscious choice that the difficult should not be allowed to dominate her life. That every day should be made as meaningful as possible for William and little sister Hedda, aged 7. Says that she believes with her hand on her heart that the everyday life they live is fantastic. Not quite "ordinary" or "normal", which are two of the worst words she knows, but absolutely wonderful - in their way.

Read the full report here:  
