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Individual plan (IP)

IP Plan koordinator utvikling

IP stands for Individual Plan and is a joint tool across disciplines and agencies. Everyone who needs long-term and coordinated health and care services has the right to have an individual plan drawn up. The IP describes how the services should work together so that the child receives comprehensive follow-up. The plan must be based on the needs of the child and the family, and what is important to you.

With an individual plan, you also have the right to a coordinator who leads the planning work.
You can read more about coordinator here.

The municipality has the main responsibility for drawing up an individual plan when children and young people have services from both the municipality and the specialist health service. The specialist health service must participate in the planning work.

With services from the municipality means coordinating unit, nursery school, school, BPA, support contact, relief, housing and other municipal services.
With services from the specialist health service means follow-up in the hospital, child and youth psychiatry, orthopedic follow-up, the child and youth rehabilitation and other agencies defined as the specialist health service.

According to the regulations, the purpose of IP and coordinator is to:

  • ensure that patients and users receive a comprehensive, coordinated and individually adapted service offer
  • ensure patient and user participation and influence
  • strengthen the interaction between service provider and patient and user and possibly next of kin
  • strengthen interaction between service providers across disciplines, levels and sectors

Individual training plan (IOP), individual development plan (IUP) treatment plans, training programs and the like can be part of the individual plan.

The individual plan can be digital and who should have access decides the person/relative who has the plan. Some places in the country do not have access to a digital IP, but it must still be decided by the person/relative who will get it sent by post.

The plan must be updated continuously and be a dynamic tool in the coordination and design of the service offer.

Digital IP

As a parent, you can use the plan to update the bodies that participate in it on what's new, developments, etc. You can also send messages internally in the plan, save meeting minutes, epicrisis and other important documentation. The plan should also be used actively by the other agencies to function, but we see that it is very variable how this works in practice.

Paper version of IP

This must be updated in case of changes and needs. If you have a responsibility group meeting, it is natural to update the plan then. You can always ask to add information or change the plan and the coordinator must then ensure that the updated plan is sent to the other parties involved.

Good to know

  • The plan must only be created if the person himself or his parents so wish.
  • We recommend that everyone with children with multiple service and assistance needs get an IP.
  • Health personnel have a duty to notify the municipality of the need for an individual plan.
  • Parents can take the initiative to have an individual plan drawn up.
  • A coordinator must be offered even if you decline an individual plan.
  • You choose whether one or more instances should not have access to the updated IP.

Legislation and guidelines

Legal data


The Norwegian Directorate of Health's supervisor
